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 Summer 2016 

Learning to create mobile apps was the goal of a summer camp targeting African American high school girls in greater Cleveland. Now in its second year, IndeedWeCode provides computer coding instruction and IT-related proficiencies and opportunities to participants.

The two-week IWC camp convened June 20-July 1, 2016 at Cleveland State University in partnership with its Office of Civic Engagement, WeCanCodeIT, and the Friends of CEF. AT&T was the corporate sponsor of IndeedWeCode for the second year. "AT&T believes that all students should have access to STEM education," said Kevin Lynch, AT&T External Affairs Director. "That's why we are thrilled to be partnering with IndeedWeCode to ensure that there are opportunities for young people to learn skills like computer coding and app development."

This year's camp attracted 14 of the 19 girls that participated in 2015 and who boasted a record of perfect attendance. Chalkdust Education Foundation president Michelle Walton and camp co-director said, "There is no doubt that IWC is a meaningful experience that delivers timely content and unique experiences not readily available in most schools today."

 Illumination, Imagination, Innovation 

The apps developed by the campers feature an array of trivia games about African American innovators in technology. Each app was an original creation designed by teams of two or three girls writing lines of code in HTML, CSS and Java Script software languages. The project employed some of the Agile Scrum management protocols learned during last year's camp when two websites were created.

Sponsors & Partners

  • Cleveland State University

  • At&T

  • WeCan{Code}IT

  • Friends of Chalkdust Education Foundation


The apps developed by the campers feature an array of trivia games about African American innovators in technology. Each app was an original creation designed by teams of two or three girls writing lines of code in HTML, CSS and Java Script software languages. The project employed some of the Agile Scrum management protocols learned during last year's camp when two websites were created.

Sponsors & Partners

  • Cleveland State University

  • At&T

  • WeCan{Code}IT

  • Friends of Chalkdust Education Foundation